Growing up I thought mentoring was not important and not an integral part of my success both in career and personal life, until I hit a wall, thoughts started flowing in my mind, don’t you think someone has climbed this wall before? Who did climb? Am I sure? even if there is, how did he climb or overcome it or could this be the end?
Until this experience, I never thought that I could have a mentor who had better understanding than I do, I always said to myself I can figure it out, it’s just a matter of time but you can agree with me that time waits for no one, why spend a year researching when someone has already done same research with a fantastic result.
I had to tell myself the truth, go get a mentor who you think has gone ahead of you in your direction and build on his findings and come up with a better result than he did.
Self-development is rarely successful without the support of other experienced people
Mentoring is a relationship between two people which gives them the opportunity to share their personal and professional skills and experiences, and to grow and develop in the process.
Typically, this is a relationship between a more experienced and a less experienced person.
Mentoring is also an act of leadership. Leaders need to identify, develop and nurture future leaders.
Benefits of mentoring;
- Access to role models on an individual basis
- You will not make the same mistakes he made
- Development of skills, knowledge, confidence and enhanced self-esteem
- Encouragement and assistance in career planning
- Increased personal and professional networks
- Increased job and personal satisfaction, productivity
- Opportunities to demonstrate leadership skills in their different organizations
- An enhanced feeling of self-worth among youths
- Improvement in succession planning both the corporate world and the political system.
- Helping to bridge the gap between training programs and real world application, this has been most effective in my life and career.
You can share other benefits or your thoughts
Author Profile

Lawrence is a Cards, Payments, Project Management and Sales Expert with over 16years in the Financial Sector. He is passionate about Excellence, Leadership and Innovation, currently chasing interest in digital Payment solutions, blockchain technology, financial Inclusion & tech startups.
Author of the book, Discover, Develop, Deploy
Lawrence has founded several businesses including a Licensed Fintech in Nigeria. He loves writing and sharing knowledge with his audience.
You can reach him on any of his social media handles for enquiries and collaborations.
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