How consistent are you in chasing your Dreams and Goals?

We face a lot of distractions and challenges in life. Most times, these tend to make us shift the goal post or totally abandon the initiative and we want a quick win or to score a massive goal. However, it is the gradual blocks you lay on your foundation that end up becoming that house you dreamt about or that business. You might not even realise that you have gone far until you sit down to revaluate or someone points that out to you. Then the challenges would look almost like nothing.

Consistency births mastery and accuracy over time and the results are always pleasant and something to smile about. This means you don’t need to be perfect before you start anything, you just need to be teachable, ready to learn, and humble while you grow.

I started writing a few years ago just to have a record of all my thoughts and experiences put in one place and also for others to benefit from my experiences and writings. I won’t still call myself a writer because I still wonder how to put them together sometimes, but I have come to realise that my writings are mostly spurred by two things, my experiences, and reading. The more I read the more likely I want to write and share.

So yesterday my brand was ranked to be among the top 100 business coach websites and blog “” to follow in 2019. It is ranked No 66 among other top global brands in the business category, by

Didn’t even know about this until yesterday a top business coach in-boxed me on LinkedIn to connect for collaboration and said this is how she got to know about me. Have been getting these connections regularly but noticed there has been a surge in the past 1month. I have also noticed a lot of my articles published on different sites.

The only way to become a global brand is to offer a global solution and be globally present.
Don’t give in to challenges keep pushing
To your success

Lawrence Obi